Page name: X-Men Hall South 3rd [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-05-28 02:00:28
Last author: Roma
Owner: Figgy
# of watchers: 14
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There is something a little lonely and derelict about the South Hall, with its rooms numbering 350–374. It's not quite as well lit or in as good repair in comparison to the other dormitory halls. The same spare decor carries over, though the off-white walls appear to have periodic smudges on them, and the baseboards are nicked and gouged every so often. There is also a window at the far end of the hall, but its shutters are drawn tightly shut.

X-Men Time

Friday, November 18th

Light came out of her dorm, dressed down as she had been for the past few weeks, and shuffling along, headed to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Justin emerged from his room and took a look around to see if there was anyone to talk to but discovered no one so he headed for X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Light trudged through the hall, coming from the center hall, and made her way back to her room, the last place she wanted to be right now, but she knew staying in the center hall would bring more attention to her than was necessary at this point. Sighing, she ran her hand through her hair once more and opened the door to Dormitory 355, stepping into the nearly pitch black room.

Several minutes later, Light stepped out of her room, now in a tank top, but covered in smears of blood on her hands, arms and face. She closed the door softly behind her and headed straight to X-Men Hall Center 3rd, crossing her arms over her chest. Not long after, she came back with two water bottles and a bag of chips and reentered Dormitory 355, once more losing the door softly behind her.

Some time later, Light reemerged from her room once more, now looking somewhat tired and a little disoriented. Rubbing her eyes with one hand, the girl moved almost sluggishly from the darkened hallway to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

Korvka walked down the hall having come straight from the gym. Her curly ponytail was no longer sticking to her shoulders but there was evidence of exercise on the front of her sports bra and in the lamina groove that led to the top of her black yoga pants. Pausing in front of Dormitory 355, Korvka rapped on the door, calling out, "Light, it's Korvka. I haff something for you..."

No response came from the other side of the door, but it seemed to be ever so slightly ajar, and the usual shock that accompanied the doorknob didn't seem to be in place...

As the door gently pushed open in response to Korvka's knocking, she pushed it further, leaning against the frame with the swell of her hip. "Hey, Light!" she called again, this time louder in case the girl was in the bathroom or still asleep. She hadn't been peering into the room until there was still no response from her friend and then, taking a small step inside, she was able to tell through the shadows that there was a lump in the bed. She hesitated, knowing full well the rage that would incur if someone had waken her in an untimely fashion, but, given the gift that Korvka intended to bestow, she reasoned that was a good enough reason to wake up for a moment. So, bolstered with confidence that she was trying to help as best she knew how, Korvka entered Dormitory 355.

A while later, Light came from the Center hall and went straight into her room, Dormitory 355.

Korkva walked from Light's dorm and shut the door behind her. She shook her head to try and rid her mind of the confusing scene she'd just left, and headed down the hall to X-Men Hall Center 3rd.

X-Men Dormitories
X-Men Hall Center 3rd

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2004-11-18 [Roma]:'s kind of hard not to powerplay in that position. If you want anything changed, tell me.

2004-11-18 [Veltzeh]: Same, telepathy's a tricky power... If you let Kaider get up, I'll have Myetel do something REALLY nasty! XD

2004-11-18 [Roma]: BWAHA! Korvka will want more though...she's got a lot of rage anyway...then THAT... XD

2004-11-18 [Veltzeh]: Oh yes, they can beat her to bloody pulp xD

2004-11-18 [Roma]: SWEETNESS! Oh man, this is going to divide the school. Kaider versus Myetel and Korvka, a match to the death! If Kaider wasn't a freaking telepath, I'd say "it" had the upper hand!

2004-11-18 [Veltzeh]: Lol, what do you mean? X)

2004-11-18 [Roma]: Well, people seem to like Kaider. one really like Korvka, and Myetel doesn't seem to have a great amount of friends. So people are going to pick sides, who was right, who was wrong. They always do.

2004-11-18 [Veltzeh]: Ohhh... heh, right. Now I really need to get to sleep again... I'll be back in about six hours!

2004-11-18 [Roma]: lol - alrighteh!

2004-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Whi, back! Just as you went away XD

2004-11-19 [Roma]: Nu uh! *POOF!*

2004-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Yay!

2004-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Huhaha, Myetel's out of the game!

2004-11-19 [Roma]: WHAT! NO! >:(

2004-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Oh, just for a while... I meant literally in the game world -wise, not in our game, lol. It can get confusing. XD But think on the bright side, now you can have Korvka seriously beat Kaider!

2004-11-19 [Roma]: Yeah...which is kind of sad, because before this, Korvka always liked Kaider! Thought he/she was nice. But Korvka is quite pissed and confused.

2004-11-19 [Roma]: But yeah...if Korvka does manage to get an upper hand...we'd better have someone ready to physically pick Korvka off Kaider, because she won't stop. She's getting crazy by this point, and she'll snap. >:)

2004-11-19 [Roma]: Whoop - be back in about an hour or so! Meeting, then shower time! XD

2004-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Heh, Kaider will be trying to apologize later, she's so not like this usually. If Korvka will ever let her near her, that is, hehe.

2004-11-19 [Roma]: Aww, Kaider seems like such a doll. ^_^ And depending on the mood that Kaider catches Korvka in, she'll either accept, or still be hateful.

2004-11-19 [Veltzeh]: Lol, doll. XD I'm not sure what you're meaning, but still X)

2004-11-19 [Roma]:'s slang. Means "sweetie," "sweetheart," etc. It's a term of endearment. ;)

2004-11-20 [Roma]: LOL - Korvka and Myetel just made some enemies, lol! XD

2004-11-20 [Veltzeh]: Ohhh yeah XD

2004-11-20 [Roma]: *nostalgic sigh* Ahh, bliss!

2004-11-20 [Veltzeh]: Lol, Kaider is so mean, kicking at people lying on the floor XD

2004-11-20 [Roma]: Ooh...if Korvka wasn't unconscious... >:( lol

2004-11-20 [Roma]: But now we're both what now? I'm growing impatient!

2004-11-20 [Veltzeh]: Daine, Dash and Fabio will take them to the infirmary... maybe... (and Krovka will wake up finding herself still half naked XD) But we have to wait for [PhoenixSilverDark], [Snowboarding Hobitz] and [Sturmi] (who's having troubles with her comp)...

2004-11-20 [Roma]: *sends good vibes to Sturmi's comp!* Vlad's going to come onto the scene sometime soon too...and he'll take Korvka. Because he's amazingly protective.

2004-11-20 [Veltzeh]: He'll have to find her first X)

2004-11-20 [Roma]: Yeah, and he's looking around as we speak. But I've got to go now - I'll probably be back in about an hour or so. BYE! Oh my, I'm so excited for this!

2004-11-22 [Sturmi]: I don't know when I'll have my computer working again... so I'm connecting from the Uni. Therefore, I won't be able to rp that much... I guess Fabio and Sofía will be out for a while.

2004-11-22 [Veltzeh]: Okay. Try to move Fabio out of Myetel's room, still X)

2004-11-22 [Veltzeh]: Oh wait... you did. this is just the only page where it doesn't say that XD

2004-11-22 [Roma]: lol - ;)

2004-11-22 [Sturmi]: yeah, someone wrote that everyone had left, so I just asumed he also left. :p

2004-11-22 [Roma]: Sturmi, is your PC feeling better? I sent as many good computer vibes as I could!

2004-11-23 [Sturmi]: hum... internet is working again, but the computer continues acting like crazy, so I'll format it tomorrow with the help of a friend (since I don't know how to do it... I need to learn, it's pretty useful sometimes)

2005-05-23 [Roma]: Oh uh - we might want to keep Flame and Vlad away from each other! Then Korvka would have to burst into his room and yell at him! HAHA! Poetic justice! XD

2005-05-23 [Veltzeh]: Blewh... I finally edited Vlad's post enough >_<

2005-05-23 [Veltzeh]: Hehehe

2005-05-24 [The Past]: No problem with the powerplay at all hon, very cute =P

2005-05-25 [Roma]: Ok - I just wanted to make sure that you weren't like..."HEY! Flame is too cool for that! RAWR!" But glad you liked it. XD

2005-05-25 [The Past]: I sure Flame could stoop very low if needed to, lol

2009-12-03 [Roma]: I love Kaider, LOL

2009-12-03 [Veltzeh]: Oh? XD

2009-12-03 [Roma]: "Stop destroying school property, or there will be consequences!" I laughed aloud. Its such a Kaider thing to say.

2009-12-03 [Veltzeh]: Hehehe.

2009-12-04 [Sturmi]: He's like the unofficial school principal

2009-12-04 [Roma]: I know, its great.

2009-12-04 [Roma]: Oh shit, Korvka's door is still open!

2009-12-04 [Flisky]: I know. Hahaha.

2009-12-04 [Roma]: Oh my. This can only lead to drama.

2009-12-04 [Flisky]: Who doesn't love drama?

2009-12-06 [Veltzeh]: Alexis missed the south hall. X)

2009-12-07 [Araglas]: aw dang! Sorry, want me to fix that?

2009-12-07 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, go ahead.

2009-12-08 [Duredhel]: Ohu XD hahaha it's gonna be fun whenever someone tries to get Daniela to walk down this hall.

2009-12-08 [Figgy]: Why's that?

2009-12-08 [Duredhel]: She's afraid of the dark >__>

2009-12-08 [Figgy]: Oh, my bad :P

2009-12-08 [Duredhel]: hahah XD no prob, I just added it to the bio recently tho, I had forgotten. But yeah, not like she'd ever admit it, though.

2010-05-19 [The Past]: *SQUEALS!* REMY :D! *Steals him away* >.> <.< :3

2010-05-19 [Roma]: Haha, I'm doing my best with him. I hope I'm not failing?

2010-05-19 [The Past]: Not at all, just wish there was a visual of him >D
And well done on the accent XD I have annoyed fellow rp friends in the past by apprently making him almost non understandable... but I could understand it 9.9

2010-05-19 [Roma]: Haha well this is my first attempt at Gambit. I realized that since Jean, Scott, and Logan were all in the DR, I needed someone to escort people around!

2010-07-09 [Duredhel]: Why would she want a room in the south hall? O,o

2010-07-09 [Veltzeh]: Why not? I don't think anyone actually tells the lights are out and I suppose she thought "Ooh, south, that ought to be warm and dry unlike our house!" XD

2010-07-09 [Figgy]: This might have to wait to get done until later tonight. Work is quickly approaching. Sorry, Veltz >.<

2010-07-09 [Veltzeh]: Well, tomorrow morning for me, but no problem. Work is important. I wish I had a job too. Of course then I wouldn't be able to relearn drawing. :o

2010-09-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: Can we start RPing in the hall ways again?

2010-09-17 [Figgy]: Nope. There will be an announcement from Xavier in everyone's dorms as soon as it's safe to RP again.

2010-09-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhh okies. kind of like a wake up call?

2010-09-17 [Figgy]: Yes'm!

2010-09-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: OOhhhh lurvly.

2010-11-15 [Figgy]: Who was heading in Lisa's way?

2010-11-15 [Priest Kel]: It was a past post of Zane walking down the hallway. I guess she met with his ghost

2010-11-15 [Figgy]: Yeah, that happened a long time ago. This is why it does players good to read ALL the posts in the RP. :/

2010-11-15 [Mrs Vicious.]: oohhh.. I didnt know how old the post was. want me to change it?

2010-11-15 [Figgy]: Sure.

2010-11-15 [Mrs Vicious.]: its hard to read all the posts in the the RP when there's alot going on.

2010-11-15 [Figgy]: I do it. *shrug*

2010-11-15 [Mrs Vicious.]: fair enough. I find it hard.

2010-12-02 [Figgy]: Vicious, have Lisa go into the room so Shana and Vlad can get away with their mischief XD

2010-12-02 [Roma]: XD

2010-12-03 [Roma]: I could post with Vlad since he's caught up with Shana now on his super long legs but it seems only right that he'd be following since he doesn't know where he's going.

2010-12-03 [Figgy]: Oh man. I was gonna say we could just have them walk down the hall and pretend they aren't doing anything suspicious. But like... do they try Shade's door, or do they guess where Light's room is? And if they try Shade's, I need to ask Dur whether it will be locked. Decisions, decisions. >.>

2010-12-03 [Roma]: I would think they'd go to Shade's room since that's the one they know about. Perhaps in Shade's room they could find info that would lead them to Light's, but there are probably no indicators as to which room is hers unless her door has been zapped or something XD

2010-12-03 [Figgy]: ... It's possible, actually. >.>

I think Dur will be back in just a few minutes, if he is, I'll ask him.

2010-12-03 [Figgy]: Okaaaay, maybe not. I'll ask him tomorrow.

2010-12-03 [Roma]: XP No worries. All I know is that since Vlad knows nothing about either room, he's not exactly the person to lead.

2010-12-03 [Figgy]: Mkay. Well as soon as I talk to Dur, I'll post :P

2010-12-17 [Figgy]: Vlad's question!!!

2010-12-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: whut about it?

2010-12-17 [Figgy]: Uh have Lisa answer It since he asked her and Justin?

2010-12-17 [Figgy]: Twitch, lisa hasn't gone down the hall yet. You guys really need to read and reread posts.

2010-12-17 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oohh, I didn't think he was asking Lisa.

2010-12-20 [Roma]: Waiting to see whether or not the door is locked and then I can post something more.

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: Oh, whoops. I totally posted Shana going in XD *fixes*

2010-12-20 [Roma]: Michael is in so much trouble. -rubs hands together deviously-  >:3 

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: I totally wanted to bring that up >:D

2010-12-20 [Figgy]: Okay, Roms, like one more post and then I'm retiring for the night. :3

2011-05-03 [Roma]: CAMILLE! I'm excited to see her in action.

2011-05-18 [Roma]: I've been trying, for the past while, to think of a way to spin "Figgy, you play a mean slut" in a positive light. I fail. But please, take it as the compliment it was intended to be. XD

2011-05-20 [Figgy]: Hahaha XD
I'll let you in on a secret: I've seen this happen pretty close up. Way too close and personal for my own tastes XD I mostly draw from what I've seen.

2011-05-20 [Duredhel]: Except the boy was the slut

2011-05-20 [Figgy]: I'm gonna vote that they both were XD

2011-08-23 [Roma]: Just need a GM check about the locked door when you get a chance.

2012-03-04 [Figgy]: Care with making your characters pass others between wiki pages. This is why we absolutely do not EVER leave characters in limbo (Luna and twitch).

2012-03-09 [Figgy]: Post post! :D

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